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Friday, November 19, 2010

Location, Location, Location

Advertisements are virtually everywhere in our modern society. Where ever there are people, there are ads. Look around you and you will probably see promotion for a certain product or company. Whether its on a calendar, poster, and most likely, on a webpage. You can't go around the web without seeing advertisements nowadays. Ads are literally integrated into every part of our lives.
Ads are found in public bathrooms:

Top: obnoxious company placing ads in questionable location.
I have to admit its an easy way to segment their market (female, male, college, high school,etc), but I find it quite annoying to see these ads in the bathroom. Seeing them time after time in a not so clean place does not help with company image, in my humble opinion. Some company actually invest quite a sum of money in these bathroom ads (or so I assume). I've seen one that is either heat or motion sensitive and will talk to you when you stand in front of it. Another one is digitalized mirror that displays messages and the company logo.
Some other creative ad locations:
Left: Grocery Divider

Left: Red Envelopes for Chinese New Years

Top: Advertisement in a popular game

I expect more of these to come in the near future. Although I can't tell if it's doing the company image any good.

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